Some thoughts on women and men

4 Conversations

Dear Reader, I do not mean YOU, I'm just speaking of women and men in general.

Here is the reason why women and men are having so much trouble together:

Let's go back in history, about 20000 to 50000 years. Humans lived in small groups of about 50 individuals. Work was divided between them, men did the hunting and very seldom fighting, women most of the other things.

Let us now focus on the work the men did. Hunting is a group effort, especially when going for huge animals. And what's even more important, it's an group achivement! So men learned to work together as a team where everyone is counted upon, but not individually rewarded.

The work of the women on the other hand was to divide the hunted animals among the group, some other things and to feed and care for the offspring, which is the main part. This is individual work, because the aim is to successfully raise as many own children as possible.

And there were little families as well, one man and woman together at night, both doing some work for them and their children. But most of the time they were not together, but with the others of the same sex.

We are the descendends of those with the most successfully raised children.

Here comes the big question: which behaviour is best, which genes do you need in the above depicted environment?

For a man it is best to be good at team work, to have a good way to communicate, good leading structure, and to invent and use weapons. It is good to train his own older children to hunt and to care for his wife so she can care for his younger children.

For a woman it is best to get the biggest part of the hunted animals, to intensly care for her younger children and to get the most from her man.

For both of them it is good to have their genes spread and intermixed:

For a woman to have as many as possible fathers for her limited number of chirldren, that is, one from her man, the rest from others, preferably leaders.

For a man to have as many children as possible from his and other women, since for him it is easy to spread his genes.


Men are good teamworkers, good at inventing, good at communication and training. In one word, they are the producers.

Women are good at beeing egoistic (to get the biggest share for their children), at fighting against other women, at not caring for their men and at ignoring common needs (except sometimes other children). In one word, they are the consumers, but desperately hiding the fact by verbally twisting reality (by creating a fiction with almost every word they say).

Women do only like to have sex with their men in order to have the first child from them.

To be continued...

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