
2 Conversations

The study of attributes we would rather ignore.

For many years psychiatry has stood in a cloud of taboo. Men and women were hearded into small cells and treated like criminals because they believed the unreal, felt the unfelt and wanted that which they could not have. They simply were fulfilling one end of a very complicated spectrum that is the human mind. Most humans deny the existence of this spectrum and therefore couldn't possibly have any role within it. Many humans cannot even spell spectrum, but would certainly deny that they couldn't. Even denial is part of psychiatry, or rather it most certainly is NOT.

Having patients to label with disorders of the mind reinforces the sanity of those who remain unlabelled. Professors who choose to add tasteful leather patches to their elbows rather than buy new jackets make these decisions.

All people feel emotions, have fantasies and flip out occassionally. Some people just do it in style.

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