Some Logic about Life

3 Conversations

Question 1:
Who created life, the universe and everything?

Some people are so impressed by our universe and it's inner workings that they assume a thinking force must have created it.
In other words, they explain something relatively simple (as far as you can call our universe simple) with something very sophisticated (must be, to create a universe and life and everything).

Some others think it created itself out of nothing.

Question 2:
But, you may humbly ask, who created the (bigger) thinking force?

Should we introduce an even bigger thinking force as the creator of the thinking force thus leading again to question 2?

Or did it create itself out of nothing?


The only way out of this think-loop is to assume the chain of creators started by creating itself out of nothing.

My personal view:

There is no chain and therefore no need for question 2.

Rewording of the above argument:

Here is an additional argument against the existence of a creator: You probably heard of the logic of intelligent design, that mankind, nature, physics and so on are so wonderful and perfect that they must have been "designed", that is, made by an superior being, which is then identified as god. In simple words, the world is fine, so it must have been made by someone, and that can only be a god.
Here comes my point: If that logic is valid, then it can be applied to that superior being as well. In, again, simple words, if the creator is fine, it must have been made by someone, and that can only be a super god.

You certainly know these russian babushkas, little dolls standing inside each other, one bigger that another. You open one, only to find another, until you proceed to the smallest one. This is you, created by your personal god, which in turn is created by a superior god (the next bigger doll), which created by an even bigger god and so on. You get the point that the dolls get infinite bigger and never end.

The whole logic leads to nowhere, explaining exactly nothing. The only way to explain something is to look at reality and to see causations which lead from a starting point to a ending point. Evolution, as all science, goes this way, it shows us the path from simple cells to complex lifeforms such as man. We are the biggest doll, and all our anchestors are the smaller dolls down to the smallest doll, the first cell. This really explains something (us), and the number of dolls is big, but finite.

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