Savage Garden

2 Conversations


So said the ad that 19-year-old Daniel Jones put in the Australian music magazine Time Off in 1992. He had started a covers band called "Red Edge" and was in desperate need of a lead singer. Amongst the twenty people who applied was 20-year-old Darren Hayes. When he and Daniel met, they both knew that they had found their musical soul mates. The covers band lasted for 18 months, touring the east coast of Australia for about a year. However, Darren and Daniel found performing other people's songs unfulfilling, and, calling themselves Savage Garden1, broke away from the band to write their own.


Darren Hayes was born on May 8th 1972 in Brisbane, Australia, and has an older brother and an older sister. He studied Drama, Journalism, and eventually Education before answering the ad that Daniel had placed in Time Off. He is 5 foot 10, and has dark hair and grey eyes and is the main vocalist. He likes Star Wars and Anne Rice novels, and his favourite artists are U2, Sarah McLaghlan, Marvin Gaye, Diana Ross, Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks, Michael Jackson, Duran Duran and Prince.


Daniel Jones was born in Essex, England, on July 22, 193. He has two older brothers, Oliver and Jonathan, who also have a strong interest in music. He stands at six feet tall and has blonde hair and green eyes. His music tastes include Sheryl Crow, Peter Gabriel, Seal, and George Michael. In the band, he plays keyboards and additional guitars, does the programming, and co-writes the songs. He is, unfortunately, camera shy, and tends to stand behind Darren in many photos - in fact he once stopped a photo shoot because it was getting too much for him.

And when they play live...

  • Ben "Bleach" Carey - Live Guitars

  • Karl Lewis - Live Drums

  • Lee Novak - Live Bass

  • Anna-Maria La Spina - Backing Vocals

Their music

Savage Garden's musical style is described as pop.

Their first single was called I Want You and was instantly a hit, reaching Number Three in the UK charts. It knocked Elton John's Candle In The Wind - the tribute to Diana, Princess of Wales - off the Number One spot in the American charts.

Their first album, Savage Garden, was released to the world in April 1997 and managed over 12 million sales worldwide. It included I Want You as well as the singles To The Moon And Back, Truly Madly Deeply (which reached chart position Number Four), Break Me, Shake Me, Universe, and Tears Of Pearls. It won the award for Best Australian Debut Album in the 1997 ARIA Awards2.

In November 1997, the debut album was re-packaged and then re-released, with a bonus remix album entitled The Future Of Earthly Delites.

Their third album, Affirmation was released in November 1999 and has currently reached over 4 million sales worldwide. It includes the singles The Animal Song, I Knew I Loved You, Crash And Burn and the title track Affirmation.

And also check out the official Savage Garden website for more information.

1From a passage in Anne Rice's novel The Vampire Lestat.2Australian Record Industry Association. Savage Garden also won ARIA awards for Best Australian Album (Savage Garden), Best Australian Group, Best Independent Album Release (Savage Garden), Best Australian Single (Truly Madly Deeply), Song of the Year (To The Moon And Back), Best Pop Release (To the Moon And Back) and Highest Selling Single (Truly Madly Deeply) in 1997. You go, guys!

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