Wonders of this Planet

2 Conversations

I am compiling a Guide Entry on the wonders of Earth, natural or man-made. I am hoping anyone who reads this will add some of their own, I would appreciate anything you care to volunteer, whether you have seen it/them yourself, or just seen pictures/phots/video, etc. I will be adding to this list myself, on a regular basis, and hopefully submitting the final compilation for Approval. What I am hoping for, is evoking in you the memories of having your breath taken away by the sights, scents, feelings etc. So, on to mine.....


1) Has to be the rainbow....this never fails to astound me in its beauty. Even my hyperactive son will stand still and marvel at this awesome spectacle.
2) The male seahorse, a humble little creature who takes the fertilized eggs from his mate, nurtures them in his own body, then gives birth to live young. Truly a unique male. 8-)
3) The bumble-bee....according to the laws of aerodynamics, this little insect shouldn't get off the ground, but I see him, happily flitting from flower to flower in my garden, pollinating them for me :-)
4) The Fjords...I have never seen them personally but I would love to one day. Who was it who was so proud of them? Slartybartfast? {I apologize for the spelling, can't look it up as I have lent out my copy of HG2G to my daughter so she can read what all the fuss is about ;-)}
5) Human Beings.....I know there are good ones and bad ones, they come in every shape, size, & colour...each with their own individual personality.
6) The Human Heart....never runs out of love, no matter how much it gives away, ask the mother with 20 children...:-)
7) The Distance of this planet from its' sun......Life on Earth would never have evolved if we hadn't been 93 million miles away from the sun. A couple of degrees inside our orbit, and we'd be fried...a couple of degrees outside, and we'd freeze. Truly a miracle. ;-)
8) Eclipses....Considering the size of the Earth's Moon compared with the sun, it's an amazing coincidence that during a total eclipse of the sun, by the Earth's moon, the two celestial bodies "appear to be" exactly the same size, viewed from Earth. This is the only time we can see the sun's corona. I was lucky enough to see the total eclipse in August last year, from my own back garden, in Cleethorpes. Only 95% totality, viewed from here, but it was a truly moving experience, when the whole world seemed to stop, the temperature dropped, the wildlife silenced....it was as if time itself stopped to witness this awesome event. 8-) ><>
9) Stonehenge....needs no explanation to those who have been {I have} and to those who haven't...please go. A truly spiritual place. ;-)
10) The internet....without it, I wouldn't be conversing with all you wonderful people out there, making new friends and adding to this brilliant Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy {Earth Edition}. ><> ><> ><> :-P
11) Sex...as in, making love with someone you care about/love/fancy their pants off/feel like fainting when you hear their voice/heart beats faster & louder at their closeness...

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