2 Conversations

Conscious of their screen images, many film actors and actresses changed, or had changed for them by their film studio, their names to ones more rufty tufty, sexy, less forgettable or simply more manageable. In some cases you may wonder why they bothered at all, but in others you can fully understand their decision...
After all, 'The Vikings' starring Bernie Schwartz and Issur Demsky or 'Yield to the Night' starring Mavis Fluck doesn't have quite the same it, does it?

So.... otherwise known as...

Tony Curtis......................Bernie Schwartz

Kirk Douglas....................Issur Danielovitch Demsky

Michael Douglas.............Michael Kirk Douglas

Catherine Zeta-Jones......Catherine Jones, (Zeta was borrowed fom her grandmother).

John Wayne....................Marion Michael Morrison (or 'Duke' after his dog)

Cary Grant......................Archibald Alexander Leach

Marilyn Monroe..............Norma Jean Baker

Boris Karloff...................William Henry Pratt

Richard Burton...............Richard Walter Jenkins (after his schoolteacher)

Michael Caine...............Maurice Joseph Micklewhite

Martin Sheen.................Ramon Estovez

Gloria Swanson.............Gloria May Josephine Svensson

Diana Dors.....................Mavis Fluck

Bette Davis....................Ruth Elizabeth Davis

Joan Crawford...............Lucille Fay LeSueur

Peter Lorre....................Laszlo Lowenstein

Burt Lancaster...............Burton Stephen Lancaster

Spencer Tracy...............Spencer Bonaventure Tracy

Audrey Hepburn............Edda Kathleen van Heemstra Hepburn-Ruston

Charlton Heston.............John Charlton Carter

Fay Wray.......................Vina Fay Wray

Mae West......................Mary Jane West

Buster Keaton...............Joseph Frank Keaton V1

Stan Laurel..................Arthur Stanley Jefferson

Jayne Mansfield..........Vera Jane Palmer

Gene Hackman.............Eugene Alden Hackman

Lauren Bacall...............Betty Joan ?erske*

Deborah Kerr................Deborah Jane Kerr-Trimmer

Yul Brynner.................. His real name, but he sometimes claimed to be half Swiss, half Japanese and that his name was 'Taidje Khan'

Ernest Borgnine............Ermes Effron Borgnino

Doris Day.......................Doris Mary Ann Von Kappelhoff

Don Ameche.................Dominic Felix Ameci

Dana Andrews...............Carver Dana Andrews

Julie Andrews................ Julia Elizabeth Wells

Fred Astair......................Frederick Austerlitz

Dirk Borgarde.........Derek Jules Gaspard Ulric Niven van den Bogaerde

Humphrey Bogart............Humphrey DeForest Borgartt

Charles Bronson..............Charles Buchinsky

Lon Chaney Jr.................Creighton Tull Chaney

Claudette Colbert............Lily Claudette Chauchoin

Gary Cooper...................Frank James Cooper

Marlene Deitrich.............Marie Magdelene Deitrich

Mia Farrow.....................Maria deLourdes Villiers Farrow

Glenn Ford.....................Gwyllyn Samuel Newton Ford

Jodie Foster....................Alicia Christian Foster

Judy Garland..................Frances Ethel Gumm

Ben Gazzara...................Biagio Anthony Gazzara

Mel Gibson.....................Mel Columcille Gibson

Jeff Chandler..................Ira Grossel

Gloria Grahame..............Gloria Hallward

Alec Guinness.................Alec Guiness de Cuffe

Jean Harlow....................Harlean Carpentier

Rex Harrison...................Reginald Carey Harrison

Rita Hayworth.................Margarita Carmen Cansino

William Holden..............William Franklin Beedle Jr.

Bob Hope.......................Leslie Townes Hope

Bing Crosby....................Harry Lillis Crosby

Dennis Hopper................Dennis Hooper

Lee J Cobb.....................Leo Jacoby

Rock Hudson...................Roy Harold Scherer Jr
Michael Keaton..............Michael John Douglas

Klaus Kinski.....................Nikolaus Gunther Nakszynski

Nastassja Kinsk................Nastassja Naksyznyski

Hedy Lamarr...................Hedwig Eva Maria Keisler

Bruce Lee.......................Lee Jun Fan

Vivien Leigh...................Vivian Mary Hartley

Jack Lemmon.................John Uhler Lemmon III

Jerry Lewis.....................Joseph Levitch

Dean Martin..................Dino Paul Crocetti

Sophia Loren................Sofia Villani Scicolone

Myrna Loy.....................Myrna Williams

Bela Lugosi...................Bela Ferenc Dezso Blasko. (Arisztid Olt)

Walter Matthau.............Walter Matasschanskayasky

Ray Milland..................Reginald Alfred Truscott-Jones

Paul Muni....................Friedrich Muni Meyer Weisenfreund

Maureen O'Hara............Maureen Fitzsimmons

Jack Palance.................Vladimir Palanuik

Anthony Quinn..............Anthony Rudolfo Oxaca Quinn

James Garner................James Scott Bumgarner

Edwarg G Robinson.......Emanuel Goldenberg

Cliff Richards..................Harry Webb

Ginger Rogers.................Virginia Katherine McMath

Susan Sarandon.............Susan Abigail Tomalin

Romy Schneider.............Rosemarie Magdelene Albach-Retty

Peter Sellers...................Richard Henry Sellers

Barbara Stanwyck............Ruby Stevens

Meryl Streep....................Mary Louise Streep

Robert Taylor..................Spangler Arlington Brugh

Rudolph Valentino.........Rudolfo Pietro Filberto Raffaello Guglielmi di Valentina

Erich von Stroheim..........Erich Oswald Stroheim

Shelley Winters................Shirley Schrift

Stewart Granger............. James Lablanche Stewart

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