The Anti-Heightism League (Original)
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
University life is full of clubs. In my time I have joined many, including the Sci-Fi Society, the Gaelic Society (For the dancing. I can't speak a word of the language, except perhaps Uisge Beatha) and the hitting people with rubber swords society.*
I also, in my time, aided in founding a number.* These included the rubber swords (guinea pig), the Basil Brush Appreciation Society (President and organiser of the one, extremely beer sodden, meeting), the Munchkinstein State Science Fiction and Fantasy Society (A virtual membership consisting of whoever wants, but doesn't have, the official T-Shirt) and the Stunt Munchkins. My favorite however, was the Anti-Heightism League.
This society was founded one day, in my first year, when I was being laughed at for my shortness. In stepped Tom, a man at least two inches taller than anyone else we knew, to support my calls for peace. And so was born our society.
Long did we plan our campaign of action. We were to get top shelves lowered into my reach. We were to have the entire Glasgow Underground redesigned so that Tom did not have to duck to enter a carraige. But most importantly of all, and top of our action list, was equal service at bars.
Being shorter than average, I suffered from a difficulty in being spotted at crowded bars. Tom, on the other hand, could order from three rows back. While, obviously, we all aspired to Tom's magic, we still felt that something more equitable was desirable. Thus an intensive, charity funded, education course was set up to educate our shorter members (me) in how to be served swiftly. Thus it was that the modern Munchkin was brought into being.*
The Anti-Heightism league lives on to this day, continually striving to look beyond the average, at the struggles of both the tall and small, and to supply me with drink. If you think you can help a non-averagly heightened person, then send me your name and address on the back of a ten pound note and we shall send Tom round to loom until you buy him a pint. It's for a good cause.
Disclaimer; At no point does the Anti-Heightism League take responsibilty for any interior decoration carried out while our members are under the influence of alcohol.
So, do you have any strange Uni societies you want to tell me about? Are you in need of the Anti-Heightism League's services? Can you help me get this into shape to become an approved entry? Will you buy me a pint? All feed back and interesting stories will be lovingly received.