
3 Conversations

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     Blackadder is the general name for any one of the four BBC TV<BR/> sitcoms based around the life of Edmund Blackadder. The four series<BR/> are written by Richard Curtis (1-4), Rowan Atkinson (1) and Ben Elton<BR/> (2-4).
     In all four series the main character of Blackadder is played by<BR/> Rowan Atkinson. The only other character that is present in all four of<BR/> the series is Baldrick who is played by Tony Robinson and is a<BR/> servant/cook/general dogsbody. There are other people who appear in<BR/> all four series e.g. Tim McInnerny but none stay the same person<BR/> throughout.
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<b><font size="5">S</font><font size="3">ERIES</font> 
<font size="5">1:</font></b>
<font color="#FFBF00"><font size="5">T</font><font size="3">HE</font> 
<font size="5">B</font><font size="3">LACK</font> 
<font size="5">A</font><font size="3">DDER</font><font color="#ceffff">
<img src="" alt="Edmund S1" width="94" height="99" border="0" align="right" hspace="5">
     This series occurs in the 1480s and 90s during the<BR/> reigns of King Richard III and IV. Blackadder‘s full title<BR/> is Edmund, Duke of Edinburgh and Warden of the<BR/> Royal Privies, until the final episode where he is<BR/> relieved of his duties in Edinburgh. The episode titles are as follows:
<BR/><center><font color="#CCFFCC"><b>
<font size="3">T</font><font size="2">HE</font> 
<font size="3">F</font><font size="2">ORETELLING</font>
<font size="3">B</font><font size="2">ORN 
TO BE</font> 
<font size="3">K</font><font size="2">ING</font>
<font size="3">T</font><font size="2">HE</font> 
<font size="3">A</font><font size="2">RCHBISHOP</font>
<font size="3">T</font><font size="2">HE</font> 
<font size="3">Q</font><font size="2">UEEN 
<font size="3">S</font><font size="2">PAIN‘S</font> 
<font size="3">B</font><font size="2">EARD</font>
<font size="3">W</font><font size="2">ITCHSMELLER</font> 
<font size="3">P</font><font size="2">URSUIVANT</font>
<font size="3">T</font><font size="2">HE</font> 
<font size="3">B</font><font size="2">LACK</font> 
<font size="3">S</font><font size="2">EAL</font></b>
<BR/></center><font color="#ceffff">
     The main characters apart from Blackadder and Baldrick are King<BR/> Richard IV (<b>Brian Blessed</b>), Percy Duke of Northumberland (<b>Tim<BR/> McInneny</b>), The Queen (<b>Elspet Gray</b>) and Harry Prince of Wales<BR/> (<b>Robert East</b>). The other person to watch for in the cast is the<BR/> Jummping Jew of Jerusalem (<b>Angus Deayton</b>) in Born to be king.
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<b><font size="5">S</font><font size="3">ERIES</font> 
<font size="5">2:</font></b> 
<font color="#FFBF00"><font size="5">B</font><font size="3">LACKADDER</font> 
<font size="5">II</font><font color="#ceffff">
<img src="" alt="Edmund S2" width="95" height="99" border="0" align="right" hspace="4">
     The second series takes place around the time of<BR/> Queen Elizabeth I. Lord Blackadder as he is in this<BR/> series is a close friend and favourite of the Queen. <BR/> From series 2 onwards the episode titles have a style<BR/> as will be apparent from the list which follows where all<BR/> the episodes have single word titles:
<BR/><center><font color="#CCFFCC"><b>
<font size="3">B</font><font size="2">ELLS</font>
<font size="3">H</font><font size="2">EAD</font>
<font size="3">P</font><font size="2">OTATO</font>
<font size="3">M</font><font size="2">ONEY</font>
<font size="3">B</font><font size="2">EER</font>
<font size="3">C</font><font size="2">HAINS</font></b>
<BR/><font color="#ceffff"></center>
     The cast list as a hole is much reduced in the second series for<BR/> various reasons. The other main characters are Queen Elizabeth I<BR/> (<b>Miranda Richardson</b>), Lord Melchett (<b>Stephen Fry</b>), Nursie (<b>Patsy<BR/> Byrne</b>) and Lord Percy (<b>Tim McInnerny</b>).<P>
     It is also worth looking out for Lord Flashheart (<b>Rik Mayall</b>), Sir<BR/> Walter Raleigh (<b>Simon Jones</b>) and Simon Partridge, and Prince<BR/> Ludwig (<b>Hugh Laurie</b>). The Last episode in this series is probably the<BR/> most confusing as no explanation is given for the Epilogue.
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<b><font size="5">S</font><font size="3">ERIES</font> 
<font size="5">3:</font></b> 
<font color="#FFBF00"><font size="5">B</font><font size="3">LACKADDER</font> 
<font size="5">T</font><font size="3">HIRD</font><font color="#ceffff">
<img src="" alt="Edmund S3" width="95" height="99" border="0" align="right" hspace="4">
     In series three Blackadder is some what reduced in<BR/> status and is buttler to Prince George, the Prince<BR/> Regent during the reign of King George III. Prince<BR/> George is a man with a large number of socks (432,507<BR/> Pairs) and is described by Blackadder as having "<font color="#44FFFF"><i>a<BR/> brain the size of a weasel‘s wedding tackle.</i><font color="#ceffff">" (Ink and Incapability).<BR/> Probably the most important thing about series three is that it is the only<BR/> one where Blackadder does not die in the final episode. Again as can<BR/> be seen below the episode titles have a particular style:
<BR/><center><font color="#CCFFCC"><b>
<font size="3">D</font><font size="2">ISH 
<font size="3">D</font><font size="2">ISHONESTY</font>
<font size="3">I</font><font size="2">NK 
<font size="3">I</font><font size="2">NCAPABILITY</font>
<font size="3">N</font><font size="2">OB 
<font size="3">N</font><font size="2">OBILITY</font>
<font size="3">S</font><font size="2">ENSE 
<font size="3">S</font><font size="2">ENILITY</font>
<font size="3">A</font><font size="2">MY 
<font size="3">A</font><font size="2">MIABILITY</font>
<font size="3">D</font><font size="2">ULE 
<font size="3">D</font><font size="2">UALITY</font></b>
<BR/><font color="#ceffff"></center>
     The cast list is again reduced now only 25 for the six episodes<BR/> where in series 1 there were 68 cast members. However the number of<BR/> now quite well known actors is rising. There are only two regular<BR/> characters in this series apart from Blackadder and Bladrick, and they<BR/> are Prince George (<b>Hugh Laurie</b>) and Mrs Miggins (<b>Helen<BR/> Atkinson-Wood</b>).<P>
     There are several people to lookout for in single episode<BR/> appearances in this series. Dr Johnson (<b>Robbie Coltrane</b>), Lord<BR/> Topper (<b>Tim McInnerny</b>), Ambassador (<b>Chris Barrie</b>), Anarchist (<b>Ben<BR/> Elton</b>), Amy Hardwood aka The Shadow (<b>Miranda Richardson</b>) and<BR/> the Duke of Wellington (<b>Steven Fry</b>).
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<b><font size="5">S</font><font size="3">ERIES</font> 
<font size="5">4:</font></b> 
<font color="#FFBF00"><font size="5">B</font><font size="3">LACKADDER</font> 
<font size="5">G</font><font size="3">OES</font> 
<font size="5">F</font><font size="3">ORTH</font><font color="#ceffff">
<img src="" alt="Edmund S4" width="95" height="99" border="0" align="right" hspace="4">
     This the final series (so far) is set during the first<BR/> world war some time between the years 1914-1917.<BR/> Blackadder is a Captain in the British army having<BR/> joined in 1888. His commanding officer General<BR/> Melchett has is HQ about 30 miles away from the front<BR/> to which Blackadder is frequently called. Blackadder spends the series<BR/> finding innovative ways to avoid 'Going over the top'. The final episode<BR/> in the series (Goodbyeee) does not follow the pattern of episode titles<BR/> the reason for this becomes apparent when it is watched. The episode<BR/> names have a somewhat military feel to them:
<BR/><center><font color="#CCFFCC"><b>
<font size="3">C</font><font size="2">APTAIN</font> 
<font size="3">C</font><font size="2">OOK</font>
<font size="3">C</font><font size="2">ORPORAL</font> 
<font size="3">P</font><font size="2">UNISHMENT</font>
<font size="3">M</font><font size="2">AJOR</font> 
<font size="3">S</font><font size="2">TAR</font>
<font size="3">P</font><font size="2">RIVATE</font> 
<font size="3">P</font><font size="2">LANE</font>
<font size="3">G</font><font size="2">ENERAL</font> 
<font size="3">H</font><font size="2">OSPITAL</font>
<font size="3">G</font><font size="2">OODBYEEE</font></b>
<BR/><font color="#ceffff"></center>
     This series has the smallest cast list numbering only 17 however<BR/> most of the cast are now well known actors or comedians. The main<BR/> characters excluding Blackadder and Baldrick are General Sir Anthony<BR/> Cecil Hogmanay Melchett (<b>Steven Fry</b>), Lieutenant George (<b>Hugh<BR/> Laurie</b>), Captain Kevin Darling (<b>Tim McInnerny</b>).
     Also worth looking out for are Corporal Perkins (<b>Jeremy Hardy</b>),<BR/> Sergeant Jones (<b>Steven Frost</b>), Squadron Commander Lord<BR/> Flashheart (<b>Rik Mayall</b>) Baron von Richthoven (<b>Adrian Edmondson</b>),<BR/> Nurse Mary Turnsouttobeaspyintheend (<b>Miranda Richardson</b>) and<BR/> Field Marshal Haig (<b>Jeffrey Palmer</b>).
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<center><img src="" alt="Blackadder" width="371" height="95" border="0"></center>
     The four series each have their own unique quality, and this is<BR/> partly because Blackadder has a subtly different personality in each<BR/> series but still manages to retain the same overall character. The first<BR/> series is by far the most flamboyant having a large cast list and many<BR/> large sets this however almost caused there not to be a second series.<BR/> Although the three following series had much smaller casts and were<BR/> mostly studio based it was said of series four that it was, when it was<BR/> first shown (1989), probably the most realistic example of trench life.

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