The Last Page

9 Conversations

<BODY><h3> If you are doing Fun Run and you have reached this page without seeing<BR/> <A href="">The Trotters Curse</A> please do so now - My apologies to Jimi X for posting the wrong link to his page.<BR/><BR/> The Last Page<BR/></h3>Sounds like a TONY HANCOCK's HALF HOUR.

A program from the sixties where Tony Hancock read an exciting book from the library. Only to discover the last page was missing.

Well the last page of this FUN RUN IS HERE
Only one forum left for you have a go at - Comments Please.

It is hoped. If you are not to tired from the run (More Like a Marathon) to Critique The Fun Run - No Holds Barred - I do not offend easily, I just do a good impression of being mad.<BR/><BR/>Comments from Researchers - Field critics - Peer/Sub Editors and last but not least the h2g2 team - Standing here opened Mouthed. vegiman:-)<BR/><BR/>


I am looking for articles for future FUN RUNS<BR/><BR/>

If you wish to apply - please fill in the box below - Thank You vegiman:-)<BR/><BR/>
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I would like an article considered for a future Fun Run

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