This is a Journal entry by Aspera

pen is mightier....

Post 1


7 june 2012

This here a time of disarray
no time for play

when the world is falling
around us
we stand in gaze
like sheep in graze

without the will to leave our
plentiful pastures

to show a friend a fellah
human being
good will gestures

when dreary days come
grey smoke
from guns

no one to entertain us
with glorious funs

or is glorious guns
and smoking funs

I forget which is which
it has been long since
I had to switch
my pen
for a sword

or a gun for a word

I don't really want
such a world
a universe
outside hitchiker's 2

being diffident
unable to move forward or
one step two,
just attack or defend

no other stratagem
or ruse

perhaps a good game
of chess
will be of use

I’ll run
you chase

more choice you ask
the way of Voltaire

you say what you like
and I will defend defend defend

defend or perish
blow for blow
gun to gun
or word for word

maybe they will maybe they wont
win the battle lose the war

or is it the other way around

either way no one can touch us
here at h2g2

pen's might
a gun can not smite.


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pen is mightier....

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