This is a Journal entry by orangerocket

Would anyone like to be my friend?

Post 1



Would anyone like to be my friend?

Post 2

Mistdancer-X-sporadically coherent

I will!smiley - biggrin

But I'm off to bed in a we can chat tomorrow???

smiley - elf

Would anyone like to be my friend?

Post 3


Blimey, that was quick!

Thankyou for being my friend smiley - smiley

Would anyone like to be my friend?

Post 4

Mistdancer-X-sporadically coherent

I am known for my rapid responses! Comes from having the info page on auto-refresh!smiley - winkeye

I like new friends! And I like books too. See, something in common already!!

Nighty night for now....see you tomorrow!

smiley - elf

Would anyone like to be my friend?

Post 5

Mistdancer-X-sporadically coherent

I'm ba-ack!!

How's life?

smiley - elf

Would anyone like to be my friend?

Post 6



Life is good(ish)! You?

Congratulations for getting onto the Info page for your long posts.

I dream of being on the Info page!

Would anyone like to be my friend?

Post 7

The Theory

believe me, it's not THAT fun...


Would anyone like to be my friend?

Post 8

Mistdancer-X-sporadically coherent

Hey, this is nothing!! Once, I managed to top both the most and longest posts lists at the same time!! That was a busy day smiley - biggrin

Hey Theory, I keep running into you on the newbie pages...ever thought about applying for ACEship?? I know you're relatively new, but maybe in a while, eh?

Life sucks big time right now. Journal on my space explains why.

At least I get to be smiley and happy here, though. This place saves my sanity!!smiley - laugh

Wow, 2 new friends. smiley - cool

smiley - elf

Would anyone like to be my friend?

Post 9

The Theory

What's the advantage of being an ACE as opposed to being an independant greeter?


Would anyone like to be my friend?

Post 10


Hello Mistdancer,

I've just been to your page and can see why life sucks at the moment.

I know someone who this happened to and he ended up selling his house and leaving the country.

I would like to say something helpful but I know it's an impossible situation. It's more evidence of this dictatorship country we live in.

All I can say is, at least you have your family around you (and everyone here) smiley - smiley (I'd do a huggy-smilie if I knew how)!

Would anyone like to be my friend?

Post 11

Mistdancer-X-sporadically coherent

Huggie smiley...< hug > smiley - hug

Thanks Orange, it's just good to talk to people who care sometimes!smiley - smiley

You're right, h2 does cheer me up! I guess that's why I'm here so much smiley - laugh I like making new friends!!

smiley - elf

Would anyone like to be my friend?

Post 12


Hello OrangeRocket! I'm from Wisconsin, USA, and would love to talk about
philosophy, science fiction, weird stuff, and Agatha Christie..; Is OrangeRocket a plant-related name? I only ask because I am into gardening. If not, I'm sure we can find some other common ground.

I've been watching the H2G2 site for a couple months, to see what it is about. I don't bother with chat rooms or other inter net "cute sites" but I would like to talk to people about the things I am interested in.

I love H2G2's attitude!


Would anyone like to be my friend?

Post 13


Hello Zaphod!

Sorry its taken so long to get back to you - I've been moving house and time has flown by very quickly, I hope you're still around. Orangerocket isn't gardening related I'm afraid but I'd definately get one from the garden centre if I saw one! We can talk about Agatha though, do you prefer MM or HP??!!

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