This is a Journal entry by Wand'rin star

10p an hout

Post 1

Wand'rin star

I am fed up with people moaning about the cost of a TV licence and how there's never anything worth watching on the Beeb. A fellow diner in my local café so incensed me last week that I've been making a list to confound him next week.
Without watching any soaps or "reality TV"* I manage to average 4 BBC hours a day, which works out to about 10p an hour. I reckon that's very good value.

* I am not a complete intellectual snob. I watch quiz shows and am addicted to Homes Under the Hammer. Brian Cox is worth the licence fee on his own and I watched last years Olympics all the hours it was available. smiley - starsmiley - star

10p an hout

Post 2

You can call me TC

I thought of suggesting that bit about Brian Cox for quote of the day, WS.

I haven't watched TV in Germany for ages. It really is dire. And now the cable company has changed all the programmes, it's a pain to get the thing to work. I re-set the programmes so hubby could watch, and the standard non-commercial channels are back in their old places, but the picture is no better, and they are only offering one English language programme (BBC world) and one French one (TV5 Monde) but these are encrypted at the moment. Things are due to change on 1 Nov.

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