This is a Journal entry by adeve


Post 1


A lot has happened during these weeks, and I'll write down most of later on, but right now I weep because I've lost someone very important person in my life. A wonderful woman, my best friend's mother who practically raised me, too. A woman who introduced me to her friends as one of her daughters and whom I called my extra-mom. She passed away today (yesterday? I don't even know what time it is, I cannot sleep), suddenly, unexpectedly, and I'm too far away to hug anyone who knew and loved her. smiley - sadface

I lost my father 6 years ago. He, too, died unexpextedly, and I know that the fact that someone you loved is gone, doesn't sink in until a few days later. This time it'll be a bit easier for me, but right now I'd like to be there, to comfort the man I love, to tell him (and the rest of the family) that the reaction, and tears, will come later, after a few days.

But I am not there, so I sit in my room, all alone, and weep.

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