This is a Journal entry by adeve


Post 1


... which is why I cannot get connected to the Net. I just found the public library's computers and could check my e-mail for the first time in how-many-weeks.. Take my advise, don't wait that long. "You have 18 gazillion new e-mails"...

I've only 4 weeks left of my summer holiday and I've haven't even had the time to get a proper suntan. smiley - sadface Yeah, I know, it's mostly because I've had this summer-job, but still, the weather around here could be better.

What's new, then? I've quit my teaching job (I was only a substitute and that without any education in teaching), and I survived it. It was actually both much more work and much more fun than I had thought it would be. -and I'm going to miss several of the kids. smiley - sadface

Now I'm back in Finland over the summer, enjoying the rain and thunder, visiting some old friends and meeting new ones. I was out on a real "first date" for the first time in 7 years and I was soooo nervous... it went well, we both still wanted to meet again afterwards... I feel like a teenager again...

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