This is a Journal entry by The Traveller

Big changes

Post 1

The Traveller

I went to the aforementioned party, and had a fantastic time. Many pleasure-causing chemicals were filtered through my body that night.

Speaking of pleasure, since my last journal entry I have entered into the sacred bond of matrimony. I was married on October 23, 1999 to the lovely Jessica, and then we went down to DisneyWorld for our honeymoon.

Anyone who tells you DisneyWorld is just for children is sadly misinformed. We stayed in a lovely hotel called the Yacht Club, on Disney's Boardwalk. Both the Boardwalk and the Yacht Club are modeled after an American Atlantic 1930's type of place. We of course went to the parks, and saw the Milennium shows and celebrations that Disney has cooked up. Plus, we entered in a costume contest at a part of Disney called Pleasure Island, which is a collection of eight or so night clubs (definitely for adults).

All in all, we had a great time. I wish I could have stayed there longer, but the real world called me back.

Well, when I become a bajillionaire I'll move down there permanently, and Disney personnel can cater to my every whim for the rest of my life.

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