This is a Journal entry by The Traveller

A social gathering with music (a.k.a. a party)

Post 1

The Traveller

Tonight I'm going to the annual party that the renaissance workers (or "rennies") put on. it is called the Funky Formal, and it takes place at an otherwise very respectable inn very close to Cape Cod.

At this party (I've been to a few "Funky Formals" in my day) the rennies all dress up in different strange costumes than the ones that they normally wear on the weekends. Some dress formally, while others dress like complete lunatics. I, being reserved and taciturn, shall be dressed in a tuxedo.

With a fez.

I also happen to be one of the lucky few who "scored" a room at the actual inn where the party is taking place. In previous years when I have rented one of these rooms, strange and titillating things have occurred. Good taste and discretion of course prevent me from disclosing what these things were, but suffice to say the numbers "three" and "four" were involved.

Rennies are so damn friendly.

smiley - smiley

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A social gathering with music (a.k.a. a party)

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