This is a Journal entry by Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)


Post 1

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

It really is a very long story. My friend is teaching me how to focus my mind (creatively speaking). He's doing this by teaching me how to role play properly. My character has been teamed up with a guy named Pete Moss (who was in the militia). The guy yells MALITIA for just about everything. (and I do mean EVERYTHING).

Anyway... my character has been having so much fun tormenting "Malitia Boy". She (her name is Anita Ride) even smoke bombed his room with bright pink smoke.

My friend said that I would be yelling Malitia in my sleep (being slightly over energetic but with now sleep to compinsate, I was being a bit weird- or wired if you prefer-. The war-cry MALITIA escaped my lips every 5 minutes.)

Well. I got to sunday school class and wrote MALITIA!! across the board. Later (when class actually starts) I come in to see that my friend/teacher had written Anita Loves (above MALITIA) Malitia Boy (under) *little heart pic* True love forever

Well, I couldn't let him get away with that. So I wrote Drop Dead Malitlia boy. ... he wrote: Into my arms.

So I crossed that out and wrote Into a SuperNova.

I'm having so much fun with all this... admitantly... it will make my other friends game seem a bit boring...

Oh well. Serves him right for noty knowing how to do things properly. smiley - winkeye



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