This is a Journal entry by Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

Is it right?

Post 1

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

is it right for the government to pry into the private lives of students and exploit their level of intelligence?
Okay, so they are having some stupid test for the grade 10's this year. I don't know why and I don't want to know why. All I know is that I took the same stupid test last year.
This test has all the subjects covered, including what's going on in our family life.
apparently the first year they helfd it there was a question that asked how the students family life is. Some answered that is totally sucked and they were taken away from their families.
None of the teachers want to administer this test.
There was a big thing in the paper about it last week.I should know, I delivered about 200 news papers.
Any way. I think it is justthe most stupid thing that they could create.
I took the test last year and of course gave them the standard "I refuse to answer this question on the basis that ..." and so on.

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