This is a Journal entry by Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

Death by fjords

Post 1

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

My brother is a pain in the butt. He smashed my Fjords for my... I think i need to explain.
My earth science class was assigned a project to create a modle of glacial ... um.. stuff.
I, naturally, chose to do a fjord and so I set out to do it, armed with play-do.
... that was a mistake.. no, the mistake was leaving on the kitchen table so I could take a phone call.
When I came back, my brother, who is 2, was playing with my project. No, he was destroying it. No I have to do it again, but I have no play-do, I have to make it out of flour and water. I am so angry at him...
but he is only 2 so I can forgive him... but only because he is a cute 2 year old

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