This is a Journal entry by SarahM


Post 1


Talking with Henlith earlier, about Alorya, and the words and language from there. So to begin with, and also as a reminder to myself - a few Aloryan words, in no particular order.

acheyla - hello
ceshar - goodbye
an - one
esh - two
lish - three
en - four
can - five, also hand
cas - red
roch - horse
teylan - hawk
gwai - sky
ruach - berry-beer
haran - bless/blessing
huin - shadow
lairen - song. also possible meaning summer (uncertain)
are -(pronounced ah-rey) - gold colour
elenari - elves
listari - a sub-race of elves / high elves
kalthilas - a sub-race of elves / wood-elves
vor'jen - equivalent of orc. also corrupted/corruption
tal - king
heraneth - "The Ways" or space-between
endrastai - rangers (military)
andrastai - guards (military)

Y'lairen - place name, elenar equivalent of "Alorya", means "Land of Song
Y'Finion - a country, name meaning unknown
Y'... - Land of
Llewyn - a country, name meaning unknown
Ciaren - a city
Brynrudd - Redhill
Aravel - place name, an island

More to come as I remember them.



Post 2


Some sound really familiar, as though I've spoken them, though not with this mouth.
Some as though I've heard them in others' conversations.

We're-I'm-probably mostly quiet for a day or so...A lot to take in, absorb, digest. All good.
Thank you, Cas.

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