This is a Journal entry by SarahM

New Space

Post 1


Actually not entirely new. I had an account here years ago but I lost the password and the email address associated with it. Easier to just create a new account, in the end. Oh my, it's changed a lot, since then.

So I just got given internet access at work, because I've moved from the Outbound to the Inbound department. It is VERY limited though. All of... wait for it... TWO websites, the company one, and the BBC. Everything else is blocked by the firewall. So I was wasting time browsing the BBC site and saw the h2g2 link at the bottom, checked it and amazingly it worked.

So, yay. Something interesting to do inbetween calls, and yet another place to write journal entries. (I seem to collect online journals in the same way that other people collect used underwear).

New Space

Post 2


Ok, you said I'd need to send a message so you could find me? Hope I'm doing this right smiley - smiley

New Space

Post 3


Yes! I found you. Thanks!

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