This is a Journal entry by CJ-Maranup

Home Sweet Home (in brief!)

Post 1


Well, as a girl in red shoes once remarked, there's no place like home, and I think she was right. As much fun as I've had and will continue to have travelling, it's great to be back among family, friends and familiar surroundings smiley - smiley

I arrived after around 30 hours in transit on Mum's birthday, so her present was to come and collect me from the airport at 6am smiley - smiley We visited my grandfather, and had lunch with a family friend, visited Heth and her new baby Emily, then drove home to the farm. It was so nice to sleep in my own room and my big, comfy bed! I stayed on the farm til Sunday night (sleeping and eating mostly), then got a lift back to Perth with my brother, who'd come down for the weekend.

Then a fairly busy 6 days in Perth - catching up with Kristin, Nic, Em, Vicki, Helen and Rod, plus going to Kristin and Ryan's wedding on Friday - a great day - the bride and groom looked lovely and happy, everything went smoothly, the weather was great, and I caught up with lots of old friends smiley - smiley

On saturday I came back down south with Mum, and after a few more quite peaceful days (and a few more roast dinners smiley - winkeye I am going back to Perth tomorrow, and flying out at 11pm!

It's been a great 2 weeks, and while I'm always sad to be leaving, I'm keen to see lots more of europe, and experience more of Ireland as well.

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Home Sweet Home (in brief!)

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