This is a Journal entry by CJ-Maranup

Some random drivel

Post 1


Hi again world...

I'm having a quiet friday night in, and felt like writing some miscellaneous rubbish.

Today I played football for the first time in ages! It was great smiley - smiley I am crap, but it was lots of fun anyway. I wasn't totally outclassed by the guys, and there were 2 other girls there as well. I played with a bunch of the people I work with, including against my boss, which was interesting, especially when we both tried to kick the ball and I ended up falling and rolling... Not that unusual an occurrence, but because we were playing on astro turf with an excessive amount of sand on it, it was more hazardous than it could have been. I finished the game with a graze on my knee and a rather sore foot (where it connected with someone elses shin). I also got winded. I love this game!!

While writing this, I've also been trying to find out of diarise is a word - meaning to write a diary. Diarist seems to be OK, being a person who writes a diary, but I thought it could be a verb as well... It seems I'm wrong.

Anyway, my job contract has been extended until July, so I'm staying in Edinburgh until then smiley - smiley I'm pretty pleased about it, cos I'm quite comfortable here, my flat is good, I've made friends, and am pretty well settled in my job. My boss seems to have got over thinking I'm a freak for liking football and knowing something about cars, and now seems happy to just chat with me.

The project I'm running is apparently getting another 240,000 pounds in April, which helps to secure my job smiley - smiley I'm going to try and set up an Access database to manage the information involved, but my Access skills are pretty limited, and the fact that there's a load of existing data (in Excel) means I also have to massage the existing data into the way I want it... There are about 1100 records, so it needs to be done properly!

I have a new flatmate, a replacement spanish guy, who seems lovely smiley - smiley He cooked a spanish omelette (tortilla de patatas) tonight which was really yummy, so he's in the good books so far! The south african flatmate is still broke and unemployed, but as his girlfriend has moved in, I'm at least confident they will pay the rent...

What else is happening in my life? It's not terribly exciting...

Tomorrow I'm going to the pub to watch some 6 nations rugby with some friends (a kiwi, an aussie and a yank) - dunno who's playing, and I don't know a lot about rugby, but sport, friends and beer should make for a fun afternoon!

I'm still working sometimes for the catering agency - Thursday night was at the Signet Library (a rather gorgeous old building off Parliament Square and the Royal Mile) for a champagne tasting, which was quite entertaining. Last week it was a rather formal dinner at the Advocate's Library (adjacent to Signet, and even more impressive). I wouldn't know, but apparently about 15 of scotland's most senior judges were there. Certainly quite a few of them were Lord So and So! I also worked at the Murrayfield rugby stadium when England played Scotland, supervising wine waiters in the suite for the guests of the Scottish Rugby Union, which on this occasion, included Princess Anne, and her children Peter and Zara Phillips... That was kind of cool smiley - smiley

A less exciting aspect of the catering was filling in the security clearance form to (maybe) go and work at Holyrood Palace in May, which required me to list every place I've lived in the last 5 years! 5 years ago I was at college, and I lived in 2 different places in Perth, before I came over here, since when I haven't been in the same place for more than 5 months!

OK, it's about time for dinner... Tonight it's going to be fajitas smiley - smiley I've become quite addicted to mexican food (since the day my flatmates cooked nachos, and I was scared by how spicy the corn chips were!), partly because I can buy the flavouring in a packet, and it's easy to do smiley - smiley I've made goulash twice now as well, and it worked quite well smiley - smiley


Some random drivel

Post 2


Hello shiny happy person!

I hope your travel plans include a trip back to perth in mid-October! I would hate you to miss out on a very rover wedding. not to mention what promises to be an entertaining hens night.

I spoke to my sister jo last week, and she's booked her flight home. AND a trip to Egypt, for which I am eternally jealous. I just have to keep promising myself i'll get there one day.

Some random drivel

Post 3



Bouts time you updated your blog isn't it?? Sheer laziness

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