This is a Journal entry by CJ-Maranup

Just a quick note

Post 1


as I've only got 9 minutes of net access left.

I'm currently in Gothenburg (Göteborg), Sweden, killing time before I catch a bus up to Oslo. I've had a great few days hanging out with my friend Ann from London, wandering about, finding pubs and clubs, avoiding crazy people and talking about anything and everything smiley - smiley

It's fun to be out travelling again - as happy as I am in edinburgh, and stoked about my flat, I still need a fix of new places now and then smiley - smiley Hopefully I'll be starting my job with the council when I get back, and I'm looking forward to having a bit of steady 9-5 work for a while - having a regular schedule of work and time off is something I haven't really had since I left oz nearly 18 months ago!

Otherwise, I need to get on with writing some christmas emails - 'tis the season to be guilt-stricken and realise you haven't communicated with people in months, after all!

Yay for Australia making the world cup smiley - smiley My brother is plotting a trip over for the games and I hope to go and join him in germany smiley - smiley

OK, times up - love to all, will write more soon smiley - smiley

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Just a quick note

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