This is a Journal entry by a_random_person

Origin of symmetry

Post 1


Yay!smiley - biggrin I have finally got around to buying Origin of Symmetrysmiley - musicalnote, after weeks of saying a was going to. I just wanted to announce it to everyone because it is really good! Everyone should buy at least one muse album, if not all of them.(i say hypocritically as i only have 2) Does anyone have showbiz and if so is it good?

Also has anyone been listning to the new hhgg sieries on radio 4? OK I know it's a bit of a weird topic to mix with muse albums but hey it wouldn't be me if it was normalsmiley - smiley. I heard the first and third episodes but I missed the secondsmiley - wah. I was actally posting on h2g2 at the time and forgot the time!smiley - grr

Well that's about all for now i think.
smiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - run

A Random Person

Origin of symmetry

Post 2


I did it again! i put spaces in my smiley. When will i learnsmiley - erm

Probably never.

A Random Person
smiley - schooloffish (without spaces)

Origin of symmetry

Post 3


Smiley is spelt smilie smiley - tongueout

Origin of symmetry

Post 4


no it's not

Origin of symmetry

Post 5


Oh yes it is like similie just without the eye?

Origin of symmetry

Post 6


nope, it says fee full smiley index just below this box so i'm right he he
never mind have a smiley - ale
A Random Personsmiley - cheers
smiley - schooloffish

Origin of symmetry

Post 7


You behatch

Origin of symmetry

Post 8


i offered smiley - ale
or there's always the good old cup of smiley - tea if you're driving

Origin of symmetry

Post 9


I rather hot smiley - choc!!!!!
D**n you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Origin of symmetry

Post 10


have some hot smiley - choc then
and smiley - cake too if you want
just don't shout at me, i might crysmiley - sadface

Origin of symmetry

Post 11


Don't complain or i'll nick your hot smiley - choc and eat it with malted milk biscuits so ha

Origin of symmetry

Post 12


smiley - sadface...smiley - cry...smiley - wahsmiley - wah

Origin of symmetry

Post 13

this bus don't stop for nobody (don't ask)

*yoinks all food and drinks*

YOINK (note: I have copyights on this word, and it belongs to be, so bugger off tom)

I'm the patron saint of thge denial, with an angel face and a taste for suicidal.

smiley - cheers

Origin of symmetry

Post 14


that is my brothers phrase so unless you are a 19 year old who is into computers and cars (metros in particular)and not much else i suggest you stop using it and b!gger off

Origin of symmetry

Post 15


Who is tom
I know no tom

Origin of symmetry

Post 16


*yoinks all food and drink back again*

it's mine, i gave it out so you have no right to any of it

*distributes all food and drink equally (being a fair and generous person)*

yoink, btw, is kat's word. she has been using it for years

tom, you are tom

ok i hope that's made everyone happy. if not i give up.smiley - run

Origin of symmetry

Post 17


I'm caled jeramiah not tom. and whoo the hell is ...

Origin of symmetry

Post 18


well jeramiah you're spelling is rubbish
... was formerly known as god_of_gods

Origin of symmetry

Post 19


and my grammer is rubbish. i meant 'your spelling' not 'you're spelling'

Origin of symmetry

Post 20


Ha ha

I am jeramiah: the new god of gods!

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