This is a Journal entry by a_random_person

End of holidays... nooooooo

Post 1


Oh no! I can't beleive school starts again in 4 days.
It's not fair!smiley - sadface

We only got back from our trip to Wales yesterday and as soon as we got home we realised there had been a power cut, which had tripped off the power supply to the fridge and freezer (or something like that) and everything had gone off. Not a nice welcome home!smiley - erm

Still at least I can get back online again now... back to avoiding work on h2g2. Yay.smiley - biggrin Not for long though... now i'm in year 11 so all the teachers will be happily ticking off the days until our GCSEs. As if we need reminding!smiley - wah

Well on that happy note will say goodbye...smiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - run

*says goodbye*

A Random Person

End of holidays... nooooooo

Post 2


smiley - doh i keep adding spaces to my smileys!
that should have been
smiley - schooloffish

End of holidays... nooooooo

Post 3

this bus don't stop for nobody (don't ask)

I have only got back from a trip to france

school sucks


nuff said

End of holidays... nooooooo

Post 4


too twoo

End of holidays... nooooooo

Post 5


tee hee i spent 2 weeks at a music course and a couple of weeks teaching people 2 sail and so i haven't done my homework and am going2 get a CQ5 in RE cos of it why did i go tee hee then?

End of holidays... nooooooo

Post 6


for gods sake do you have to call them CQs it really annoying.smiley - cross Its just making it easier for the teachers and do we want that? No we do not! Sorry its just that I don't see why they can't just say 'that's an after school' not 'that's a CQ5, don't I sound impressive with my new punishments'.smiley - grr
Sorry, I'm in a bad mood cos I can't find a tab for muse ruled by secrecy anywhere on the net! do you beleive that?! The one song I want a tab for and there isn't one, how typical.smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah
In fact if anyone knows where to find one i'd be very grateful, although to tell the truth I thinkI'll just end up buying the sheet music, it's much easier.smiley - erm
So, better get back to my English homework or I'll get another break time detention (not CQ3, I refuse to co-operate).smiley - evilgrin
I think I've just written an essay havn't I... oh. Never mind.
A Random Person
smiley - schooloffish
Yay! I remembered not to put spaces in my smilys.smiley - biggrin

End of holidays... nooooooo

Post 7



End of holidays... nooooooo

Post 8


you fiend

End of holidays... nooooooo

Post 9


You foolish paradoxial girl!!!

End of holidays... nooooooo

Post 10


what's wrong with paradoxes? they're great for getting out of arguments, especially if you say them really fast. people just get confused and wander off.

End of holidays... nooooooo

Post 11


Oh right

Wanders Off

End of holidays... nooooooo

Post 12


lolsmiley - biggrin

End of holidays... nooooooo

Post 13


log (lots of giggles)

End of holidays... nooooooo

Post 14


that is taking it a bit too far CQ feind
i can't believe that anyone thakes the CONCEQUENCES seriously
looks teriffied and runs off like in slow motion scooby -doo style

End of holidays... nooooooo

Post 15


sorry I was in a bad mood as I said.
but it does annoy me
hey, did anyone listen to the new hitchhiker seiries yesterday?

End of holidays... nooooooo

Post 16



End of holidays... nooooooo

Post 17


i know that I allready asked you, remember?

End of holidays... nooooooo

Post 18


i think already has one l actually, sorry.

End of holidays... nooooooo

Post 19


no i meant to tho

i vill i vill

sorry mesa highsa

tee hee heee he hesmiley - laugh

End of holidays... nooooooo

Post 20



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