This is a Journal entry by a_random_person

First Entry... random thoughts

Post 1


Well i thought maybe i'd better get around to writing something here, and this seemed to be a good time to do it.smiley - smiley

I'm meant to be working on IT coursework but oh well, that can wait.
I have so much work to do, anyone also in year 10 will know what I mean, I have coursework in almost every lesson!smiley - wah

Anyway moan over, I'm in quite a good mood today, although I don't have any music with me... argh. That means I actually have to listen to my IT teacher.smiley - erm

Hmmm, well anyway I think I'd better go now, so bye for now.smiley - biggrin

A Random Personsmiley - ok

First Entry... random thoughts

Post 2


that was random

you mean the IT teacher actually says things i thought it couldn't do that

First Entry... random thoughts

Post 3


how true...
you learn something new every daysmiley - biggrin

First Entry... random thoughts

Post 4


really i'll have to tell myself that sometime

First Entry... random thoughts

Post 5


hmmm... what have I learned today?
i don't know.
I havn't learned anything...
wow so you don't really learn something new every day.
that's news to me...
oh, but that means I 've learnt it and so I have learnt something new
so you do learn something new everyday
which invalidates what I learned
and so on
don't think about it too hard, it makes you dizzy

First Entry... random thoughts

Post 6


please don't turn it into a vicious circle
youve got the rest of the day to learn something new

First Entry... random thoughts

Post 7


but I like paradoxes...
I'm going to cry nowsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

First Entry... random thoughts

Post 8


there there *hits with mallet hoping to shut her up*

im so cruel sometimes

aam sorrry really ahh aaam

First Entry... random thoughts

Post 9


cry baby

First Entry... random thoughts

Post 10


who me or random person over there

First Entry... random thoughts

Post 11


my head hurts

First Entry... random thoughts

Post 12



First Entry... random thoughts

Post 13


do you have two names murf and supersmeagolboy or what

First Entry... random thoughts

Post 14



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