This is a Journal entry by SnowWhite
SnowWhite Started conversation Mar 12, 2005
It's been a while so just a quick hello to all who come to my winter wonderland!
It has been snowing here and was very cold early in the week; a bit milder now but more flakes promissed........aren't there always more flakes?
Well, started a new job so quite busy but happy.
Hope all is going well for everyone!
Disney on Ice 100th anniversary show was fabulous! Saw it last night.
Billy60 ... Posted Mar 12, 2005
Hiya Snow White .....
Just had a quick glance at your home page ..... Having horse riding lessons myself .... do you ride or just like horses ???
SnowWhite Posted Mar 12, 2005
I don't ride as much as I used to; my parents had several friends who had horses when I was young so I was lucky to get to ride alot; now they have all sold them etc., so I have to pay to go on trails; it's not even the money so much as the whole not being allowed to just "go" but having to follow along, not gallop, etc.,.
Are you having great fun with it?
It is superb exercise for your abs; core stability and your thighs.
I keep meaning to get out on a trail in the Gatineau's which is a picturesque and hilly location, but I can't seem to find a day when I'm free and they are letting the horses out; they watch the ice and snow. Summer is coming soon though, so hopefully then.
I went horseriding by a beach in Mexico last year which was neat except that they had us take the horses into the ocean for a cool off and there were big pieces of poop all floating about. Quite gross.
Not as "romantic" as it looks............
Billy60 ... Posted Mar 14, 2005
Yes I enjoy my riding lessons ..... Especially when they suggest we spend the lesson out on the forest tracks ...
Have been having lessons for a while .... but am only learning very slowly ... The only reason I took lesson's initially was becuase I was fed up of things like pony treking on Holiday's .... being led around or just being in a queue of horses following one another ... I wanted to be able to get out there on my own ..
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