This is a Journal entry by morecoffee

I'm ba-aack! (Temporarily)

Post 1


No, I wasn't off saving the world, I was just dealing with some family stuff. It's been a tough few weeks smiley - sadface but hopefully things will settle down a bit now.

On Thursday I'll be saying goodbye again, as I won't have net access over the holidays. (Don't know how I'll survive - frequent trips to the net cafe, I guess, though even they will be closed some of the time!) So smiley - holly Merry Christmas smiley - holly to those of you who are into that sort of thing.

I'm ba-aack! (Temporarily)

Post 2


So you have returned! So how was the big X for you? Christmas is a holiday invented by angry relatives who wanted to get drunk and embaress or punch the offending family member!
Mine was less depperessing than usual however! Possibly due to the absence of relatives smiley - biggrin
Let me know how your doing, Its been a while.

I'm ba-aack! (Temporarily)

Post 3

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

I am extremely busy in college and am trying to get an entry through Peer Review so probably won't be in our corner of h2g2 that much. Will still be around though, keeping an eye on things. You know the way.

TRiG.smiley - smiley

I'm ba-aack! (Temporarily)

Post 4


I'm also back after 3 weeks of no internet. And had a lot of relatives in the interval, but managed to enjy it nontheless.

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