This is a Journal entry by Researcher U634370

Settling In

Post 1

Researcher U634370

Well I arrived a couple of days ago from the R2 Coffee bar, which is a friendly and lively place but I have to say this place is fascinating and smiley - magic. I was completely at a loss what to do at first but I am beginning to find my way around. I'm quite pleased because I've managed to post my first picture today and a friend CrazyCorrie smiley - earth has joined me. smiley - fishsmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Settling In

Post 2


I'm not sure how i done it, but i'm here.

will try again tomorrow (Monday)
Hello (WAVING) to all Coffee Bar (ers). Alansmiley - oksmiley - oksmiley - biggrin

Settling In

Post 3

Researcher U634370

Hello Alan smiley - biggrin how lovely of you to add to my journal your the first one I'm really pleased smiley - biggrin.

Don't smiley - run so soon, are you still there? All the people from the coffee bar are on "my friends" list so you should be able to find them easily.

Lots of smiley - love

BDG smiley - kisssmiley - kiss

Settling In

Post 4


Hello, not alot of time, today, Nice, dry weather, so i am outside as much as i can (i have a tricyle, to keep me mobile, go about 5-10 miles a day.) Just popped in to say "HELLO"

Settling In

Post 5

Researcher U634370

Hello Alan, lovely to see you thanks for popping in again your the only real visitor I've had so far, smiley - winkeye, Quick drink of smiley - tea before you go. I must smiley - run too kids tea to cook.

Take care and come back soon.

BDG smiley - kisssmiley - kiss

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