This is a Journal entry by novadog

Back to work tomorrow - does any one have any tips?

Post 1


I have just spent a week in Paris and have to go back to work. Are there any tips anyone can give me to make the transition from holiday to work more easier? I'm in shock at the prospect. God I don't want to go.smiley - wah Wish I was still in Paris, eating croissants, drinking hot chocolate, and watching the world go by. Still, I suppose it's a concolation that if I didn't work, I wouldn't have made it to Paris. And if I don't work, I won't make it back. It's the eternal struggle of having to do what you don't want, to do what you do. Does that make sense?

On a more serious note, My boyfriends having dreams about Sarah Michelle Geller. Obviously she's found him irrisistable and has left
Freddy Prince Jr for him and his glamourous work in the DVD department at the local Megastore. Should I be jealous or worried? I'm fairly relaxed about it.

Any notes or thoughts on either subject and I'll be chuffed.


Back to work tomorrow - does any one have any tips?

Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I don't have anything I can tell you to get over the pain of having to go back to work after having been to a place like Paris. I used to feel the same way each time I came back from visiting friends in New York City - It felt like I'd been wrenched away from home and put back in this place (London) I really didn't want to be smiley - sadface

For a few weeks it felt horrible, then it gradually got a little better. Then it felt horrible again a couple of weeks later when I got my bank statement and it showed the names of all the places in NYC I'd used my debit card. Then it got better again, and it felt ok until I used up the last of the stuff I brought back with me (Aunt Jemima pancake mix, Betty Crocker brownie mix, that sort of thing).

Then I just had to start thinking about my next trip smiley - ok

Back to work tomorrow - does any one have any tips?

Post 3


Wow, chuffed really is a word...

Back to work tomorrow - does any one have any tips?

Post 4


Yes chuffed is a word. So is 'urney' and generally anything you can spell, I'm not for constraining the English language (including coloquialisms) to just what's in the dictionary.

qoth is another word that looks like it shouldn't. Don't know what it means though.

Chuffed means 'to be or are pleased with..."
'Urney' is a scottish (me thinks mostly glasweigian) slang for 'No, sir(think plummy bbc english)you are wrong, I am not."

'Yahmur' is its counter part meaning 'yes sir, I am'

You can of course, if one was feeling especially expressive, run them both together for 'Yamurney' which actually has several meanings depending on the context it is used within. It can mean 'Yes you are, I am not.' or 'Yes I am not.'

That's all for now from Novadog, Professor of Languages.

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