This is a Journal entry by grr
For your amusement, I regrettfully inform you
grr Started conversation Apr 9, 2008
the damn hairdressers have cut my hair like Vince Noir. Not what I really wanted, I keep cracking up whenever I see it, so I just hope it grows out before the novelty wears off.
For your amusement, I regrettfully inform you
anachromaticeye Posted Apr 9, 2008
Maybe you can get sponsored by Root Boost whatever that is.
I had a Mighty Boosh party last week, I went as the Spirit of Jazz, flaming hat and everything. We had the moon, two different betamaxes, rudi, Mrs Gideon, Bolo, Old Greg, Bob Fossil and The Hitcher.
Owwwwww, I've been inside all the greats, I been inside Charlie Parker, I got inside Miles Davis, I even got inside Steve Davis, but that was by accident.
For your amusement, I regrettfully inform you
grr Posted Apr 10, 2008
Nice, I know moontwins. They both remind each other and a few others of the moon so thats what they call each other.
Mighty Boosh party is an awesome idea. How'd you get a flaming hat? Or a Bolo costume?
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For your amusement, I regrettfully inform you
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