This is a Journal entry by grr
grr Started conversation Aug 8, 2007
On the following sites there is a button. Clicking it costs you absolutely nothing, it does not take you to another site or give your computer a virus. What it does do is make the site sponsers donate to charity, be it food, money or medical supplies. It only takes a few seconds, it actually helps, and it costs you nothing. Thank you.
On the sites there are links to the others after you click the button.
Much love and thanks, me
grr Posted Aug 25, 2007
Aww, thank you. I panicked after posting that as to whether I was being an annoying charity-pushing person.
Daizzy Posted Aug 26, 2007
No, you weren't. If you hadn't posted that, I wouldn't have known that. And as it doesn't take money from us, I think it's even better. I wouldn't be stingy, but I don't like giving money online. And I think they're brilliant sites!
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