This is a Journal entry by Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

My sick and twisted mind

Post 21

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

COOL! Ive always wondered why it was a lamp... how can a lamp be so cute? anyway...
fordsmiley - cheers

My sick and twisted mind

Post 22

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

That lamp's not just cute - it's adorable!! smiley - biggrin
*hugs the lamp*

My sick and twisted mind

Post 23

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

I want a pet lamp! That would rock my socks! We should start a lamp club!
fordsmiley - cheers

My sick and twisted mind

Post 24

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Okay - the Official h2g2 Pixar Lamp Supporters Club!

Oficcial ... im typing wsith my towes

Post 25

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

do......... sxop argh...... ok i gfiv aAH
vh nvvfng

Oficcial ... im typing wsith my towes

Post 26

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Wow - you managed to type that with your toes? Impressive!

Oficcial ... im typing wsith my towes

Post 27


I'm afraid I don't speack cdsax ford.smiley - winkeye

Oficcial ... im typing wsith my towes

Post 28

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

lolsmiley - biggrin

Oficcial ... im typing wsith my towes

Post 29

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

I meant to put official club of the pixars lamp lovers... it just came out wrong! haha
fordsmiley - cheers

Official Club of the Pixars Lamp Lovers

Post 30

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

*chants* PixAR, PixAR, PixAR, PixAR...
Man - that lamp is so cool smiley - biggrin

smiley - tea, anyone?

Official Club of the Pixars Lamp Lovers

Post 31

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

TEA!!! T b good heh...
Thats kinda sad... its a lamp... BUT ITS SOOOOOOOOO CUTE!... but its a LAMP... BUT ITS SOOOO COOL!... *sigh*
fordsmiley - cheers

Official Club of the Pixars Lamp Lovers

Post 32

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

I know... *drools*

Have some more smiley - tea

Official Club of the Pixars Lamp Lovers

Post 33

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

A lamp of all things though... why not a bike? Or a bananna? but It had to be a lamp... WHY?! It will drive me insane...
fordsmiley - cheers

Official Club of the Pixars Lamp Lovers

Post 34

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Or a piece of asparagus?
Or a keychain?
Or a mobile phone?
Or a loaf of bread?
Or a clown with a red afro?

Why a LAMP??
(but a damn cute lamp...)

Official Club of the Pixars Lamp Lovers

Post 35

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

I dont think they had good cell phones back then... heh
fordsmiley - cheers

Official Club of the Pixars Lamp Lovers

Post 36


te he...

mobile phones -vs.- cell phones

hmmm... even though I say cell phone, mobile phone makes more scence. It's small (well it is now) and you can carry it with you!(mobility) but why a cell phone?

Official Club of the Pixars Lamp Lovers

Post 37

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

Well the cell phone runs on cells that have electicity and stuff in it (its hard to explain...) and its as small as a cell?
fordsmiley - cheers

Official Club of the Pixars Lamp Lovers

Post 38

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

I think "cell" stands for "cellular"... not sure though.
We've always called them mobile phones in Australia, or mobiles for short. Or moby to be even shorter than that.
Weird, how the names of things change from country to country, hey?smiley - biggrin

Official Club of the Pixars Lamp Lovers

Post 39

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

YEAH! Like the toilet!
The Dunny!
The Loo!
hehe weee!
I like toilets... :s not sure why though
mobys? thats neat!

wow this convo is old! haha
fordsmiley - cheers

Official Club of the Pixars Lamp Lovers

Post 40


hehe... toilet.. hehe

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My sick and twisted mind

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