This is a Journal entry by mitsy_mu the spacegirl

days off and the disasters that unfold

Post 1

mitsy_mu the spacegirl

why is it that on your day off every happens!!
Okay so i know i had to go to the dentist today (that's a tale for another day - let's just say it involves my tooth and a pandrop! smiley - yuk)
But why did my heating decide to play silly beggars?
Why did I drop that heavy box on my foot?
and then why did i slip over in the snow in front of a really gorgeous guy??
yes that is my life all over - off now to drink smiley - tea and eat smiley - choc

days off and the disasters that unfold

Post 2


dunno how i ended up here but hi

days off and the disasters that unfold

Post 3

Emee, out from under the rock

I ran my shopping cart into a bunch of stacked up boxes of crackers in front of a lovely, lovely man. smiley - flustered Never shopped there again.

days off and the disasters that unfold

Post 4

mitsy_mu the spacegirl

have decided not to tempt fate and not go anywhere this afternoon, however something is still bound to happen!! smiley - biggrin

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