This is a Journal entry by


Post 1

Researcher 55674

Ah, The end of a spectacular weekend. I had the pleasure of going on a retreat up in the mountains of VA. Beautiful weather, great time of singing, praying, learning, playing, and eating. Saw old friends for the first time in a while, spent time with new friends. To echo the thought of our special speaker: "I am happier than any man has a right to be." smiley - biggrin

Played in a skit comparing the christian life to brushing teeth (don't ask). Got drenched by a not-so-nice angel helping me to rinse. smiley - laugh Sometimes its more fun being the point of the joke than the one making it.

Ah well, back to the common drudgery of study and procrastination. smiley - flyhi *feels good for no apparent reason*


Post 2

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Sounds fun... did you go with a bunch of people from Radford? Cause my friend Ed was asking me if I was going to a weekend thing for church the other weekend and I was like "what weekend thing?"... just curious.

And I'm glad you're happy. smiley - flyhi


Post 3

Researcher 55674

No, just our little group of 60 or so.
*wonders why they don't all come to Bible Study* smiley - cross

Oh well.


Post 4

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Some of us have rather busy schedules... I've been meaning to go to Bible study here for ages, but I just don't have the free time-- I've a class during the time slot, or am working. smiley - sadface


Post 5

Researcher 55674

That's true.

A lot of them were international students, too. I'm not sure how comfortable they would be in a mostly American class.


Post 6

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.



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