This is a Journal entry by EllieZang

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Post 1


Life is good.


Post 2


So, "Life is good", eh ?

Do you think so ?

...It depends :
'good' for what ?
Or to whom ?

smiley - winkeye

Some further infos would be welcome
(I'm really looking forward for them,
hehe !!).

Oh, BTW, your article 'Spiritual
Journeys' was a real pleasure !
Yet, isn't it hard to stay optimistic
and satisfied with life, when sharing
this way of thinking ? In fact,
I'm pretty much into it myself, since
about the age of eleven, but I'm not Buddha
(yet! Still I hope to progress a lot more,
haha !) and as you say,
I keep on "facing the disdain of the
general populous", ever since.
It soon grew into a feeling of frustration,
and I'm still fighting not to loose
contact with people who make me feel
like a lost alien, from, eh...
Betelgueuse 7 or so (reminds me of some guy
known as Ford Escort, in fact smiley - smiley ).

That's why I really wonder what a statement
such as "Life is good" can mean ? An exemple
of ironic bitterness (that would very well
fit with me, but what about you ?) ?

Oh, and a last remark : even if it doesn't
seem so : I DO HATE SMILEYS !!!!! smiley - smiley


Post 3


Life is good because it, for want of a better way of putting it, gives you and oppertunity to find yourself.

(That 'spiritual journeys' article has put me into a thoughtful mood. Brilliant stuff. Another hall lunch however will probably snap me out of it)

What's wrong with smileys? They save on typing.

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