This is a Journal entry by callmedave

4am,02/01/04 what now?

Post 1


xmas and the new year celebrations are over and im back at work already,god i hate the next two months,the weather's miserable,people too,i suppose everyones used up all their goodwill to all men and just decide to batten down the hatches,conserve their energy,and wait for the sun to show its head again and bring some warmth.. smiley - biggrin
what does the coming year have in store 4 us?
health? wealth? and happiness? no doubt...
and probably some heartache too...
to quote Bill Hicks "it's all a ride"...
and i say BRING IT ON!.... smiley - biggrin

4am,02/01/04 what now?

Post 2


Hiya Dave

My name is Nats please to meet you i am sure smiley - smiley
What i want in store is no more health problems, cos i have my fair share of that the past couple of years.
What do you want in store then?
Happy 2004 by the way smiley - smiley
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx smiley - angel

4am,02/01/04 what now?

Post 3


all i could wish for is good health for the people i love and you too :0)
no world war.....and maybe for people just to try and get along with one another a little better :0) you know....just a little love and understanding...i'm really,really new here..but this place seems pretty cool....what about you? smiley - smiley

4am,02/01/04 what now?

Post 4


hello :0) r u 1 of the untouchables??? :0) if u dont know wot im on about??? :0) dont worry,just ignore :0)

4am,02/01/04 what now?

Post 5


Hi Dave

Don't worry i am not one of the untouchables lol smiley - smiley
Thanks for the greetings of the new year, same goes back to you too smiley - smiley
I agree with you about no world war, aswell as getting on with other people.
The love and understanding what you mentioned, well i wish i had that with my family.
I had noticed that you were a new comer, cos i took you ou of the list of users lol smiley - biggrin
Yeah the place is smiley - cool but there is some people out there that spoil some of the fun meeting new people.
Anyway i am glad that you got back to me, cos i am a very nice person to get along with.
I hope that you get back to me, cos you seem the kind to get along with too.
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx smiley - angel

4am,02/01/04 what now?

Post 6


always smiling...smiley - biggrin that's me...
im working! on a saturday night & i can still raise a smile,
mayb im just mad.smiley - smiley

4am,02/01/04 what now?

Post 7


by the way i've just seen yr reference to LD! me i really miss the telly freezing and getting up and unplugging it and all was half the fun...think i was .up.all.night. seems ages ago now... :0)

4am,02/01/04 what now?

Post 8


Oh you were on LD aswell smiley - cool
What was your username, mine is still the same but without the tag at the end. smiley - smiley
I was up all night on it too, and it was a lot of fun.
I still talk to some of them aswell, what about you do you stay in touch with your mates too?
Yeah it does seem ages ago doesn't it, but it isn't really lol smiley - biggrin

4am,02/01/04 what now?

Post 9


my usernames were.. .upallnight....and .amonlyplaying,
i didnt manage 2 keep in touch with any....smiley - wah....smiley - smiley
no one's fault,well mayb minesmiley - erm a bit....
just kinda lost touch..u know?
r their any places 2 chat here?
where r you?
or is that on yr page?smiley - erm
davesmiley - kiss

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