This is a Journal entry by Sporkulious Eglon

Apologies are in need

Post 21

Sporkulious Eglon

A little constructive criticism never hurt anyone

Apologies are in need

Post 22


So why do I have to be the first?!?!?!?!?!?!?? smiley - winkeye

Apologies are in need

Post 23

Sporkulious Eglon


*sound of something flying over Sporkulious Eglon's head

Apologies are in need

Post 24


By that, i take it you want me to explain?
Okay... well, you that constuctive criticism never hurt anyone.... i said, why should i be the first... (ie, why should i be the 1st to be hurt by constructive criticism.... get it???? smiley - winkeye)

Apologies are in need

Post 25

Sporkulious Eglon

Ah yes... much better... thank you for the 'splanation

Apologies are in need

Post 26


No problem.... glad i could help, really.... smiley - winkeye

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