This is a Journal entry by ianhimself


Post 1


i began the day by lecturing to a bunch of fresh faced dutch undergraduates (final year i believe) who are in dublin as part of a "recruiting exercise" being undertaken by our Rotterdam office...when i asked the (equally fresh faced) event organisers what the hell the whole thikng was about they told me without a trace of irony that "maybe we will be able to recruit one or two of them when they graduate"....corporate pockets are indeed magnificently deep....

now i was trying to calculate the cost of bringing 18 graduates and 4 junket organisers across feom Rotterdam to stay in a dublin hilton for 4 nights...and even allowing for the fact that they might have had to stump up the cash to pay for their own condoms (available in most night club restrooms)it felt like a very big number....

hmmmm ... maybe i'm just jealously remembering with a manufactured nostalgia the days when even a nonchalantly waved second class honours degree in philosophy wasn't enough to gvet you a cup of coffee in the career's adviser's under stair waiting room.....

times change eh....

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