This is a Journal entry by ianhimself

tuesday 12th september 2006

Post 1


i am planning a new story ..... already i have the title ..... "A life in (parenthesis)" ... it's a notion that intrigues me .... what goes on in the brackets of our existence.... the subplot.... the dreams that went into hiding back in '79 and only come out when the moon is high....or the drinking cup deep.... the (parenthesis) of being facinates me so much more than the main arena....

i'm not talking about secrets and lies here.... more the parallel life that we might have been....the subterranean us.... the part of our personality that bides its time...waiting for its moment to absorb us...

and of course if the (parenthesis) were to be unbracketed.....

might take a long time in the writing this one.....

tuesday 12th september 2006

Post 2


we can wait

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tuesday 12th september 2006

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