This is a Journal entry by ianhimself

saturday 9th september 2006

Post 1


there are spaces in between lover's whispers that authenticate the words ... always....

when words come tumbling head on tail one after the other...unpunctuated with the silence of wonder ... i grow suspicious

when there is no playing with half full wineglasses..... groping for time and space to measure meaning... to test for internal integrity.... or even to silently appreciate the simple beauty of human communication... i know that there is no truth....

we sat together as the day wore empty..... night fell and the stars observed our longings...... words unpicked scars and laid them on the table.... silence processed love more deep and desperate than either of us could understand.... wine stained across the space between us and drew us closer... and love became a scar upon a scar upon a scar (as duke special wrote in his magnificent song).....

and when we were done there was no more loss in longing ...... for all had been completed.....

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saturday 9th september 2006

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