This is a Journal entry by ianhimself

thursday 7th september 2006

Post 1


i'm just home from work and facing the laptop wondering what to write...

there's an old John Prine song "Angel from Montgomery" that contains the immortal question ... "how the hell can one man/ go to work in the morning/ and come home in the evening/ and have nothing to say?"

i find that today i am that man.... and it scares me .... scares me that not only have i nothing to say to anyone else .. which is a state of affairs that with me is quite often the case.... but that i actually i have nothing to say to myself.... which is, i suppose, what this journal keeping is all about ....

now, of course, i know me better than that ..... and i know that i always have opinions to share with myself .... because, to be fair, i provide myself with a very appreciative and understanding audience when my cognitive ramblings take me off into parallel realms of idiosyncratic worldviews...... but today ..... it appears that i have nothing..... i stare at my own soul in total silence....shuffle on the seat in embarassment .... and look for some nearby diversion to ease the tension....

i type and delete fice opening lines...... each of them more pretentious pr self delusory than the one before .... no... i genuinely have nothing to say....

so myself and i are left with nothing else to do but to sit in companionable silence..... waiting for evening....

thursday 7th september 2006

Post 2

Trout Montague

Ah, fully monikered it is now observed, but relaxing to lower case only. Curious to be sure.

thursday 7th september 2006

Post 3


indeed ..... but as oscar wilde said so tellingly ..... "if i am inconsistent, then i am inconsistent"

us irish can justify anything

smiley - winkeye

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