This is a Journal entry by $u$

Now the real work starts

Post 1


So the project has the go-ahead, as do I, and I have to glean all I can about self-employment by the end of the year. Maybe that's why I had the strange dream last night about somebody surreptitiously deposting a small digger in my back garden in the middle of the night. smiley - laugh

Now the real work starts

Post 2

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

smiley - laugh hope they're not building a hyperspace byway with that digger!

Really happy for you, I hope you enjoy the project and it keeps your spirits up! smiley - smiley

Now the real work starts

Post 3


I hope it doesn't mean that I'm digging a great big hole for myself. smiley - ermsmiley - laugh

It'll only be a few weeks work but it's a start and it will make it easier for me to pick up other bits of work. I'm actually kind of looking forward to it, now the pressure to start instantly has been lifted. I'll have to put in a few hours unpaid over the next couple of weeks, just to keep in touch with what's happening on the project, but that suits me better. Still a bit daunted by all the SE stuff I'll have to learn, like tax returns and various regulations, but I would have had to learn these things at some point anyway and at least now they have a specific smiley - dolphin , I mean porpoise... er, purpose. smiley - winkeye

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