This is a Journal entry by $u$

Thursday 17th November 2011 4.37pm

Post 1


I do believe I may be feeling a bit better at last, hurrah! smiley - raisedeyebrow

smiley - blackcat stayed in all night last night (until just after 6am), and decided to jump on me and start clawing at shadows halfway through the night. smiley - zzz He's been in most of the day too and just demanded his dinner, before going 'out'. I expect he'll be back within the hour, just like this morning.

Thursday 17th November 2011 4.37pm

Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Cats, gawd bless 'em smiley - bigeyes Is there anything in the world that wakes up earlier than a cat? Maybe the pixie that wakes cats up?

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