This is a Journal entry by Deej

Notting Hill Carnival

Post 1


Now, there's an event. I have no idea how many people went, but it was seriously packed in places, especially All Saint's Road, where Abu-Shanti was playing. Best place to be in the whole Carnival. If you don't know who he is, Abu-Shanti is a Dub Reggae DJ who takes about 4 hours or so to warm up while he fiddles with the sounds to get them JUST right, then proceeds to slaughter your eardrums with the thumpingest, bodysplatteringest bass possible. I just wish I knew who the geezer in the string vest is who spent the whole time about 2 feet from the speakers, cos next time I wanna join him. Bet he won't be able to hear for weeks. Lucky git!

Anyway, the best stuff was actually after it all ended and we were walking back towards the tube station, first a mad juggler who pretends to mess up tricks, then proceeds to try very hard to get them right, then finishes them with a finale that shows he was only mucking about and is pretty damn good at it after all. But by far the best of the day was the guitar player who was sat on a Marshall Amp and playing some seriously incredible music. If you know who Steve Vai and Joe Satriani are then let me say this, this guy was probably as good as, if not better than them. No chords, just two handed melodies, like on a piano or similar. Unreal, I can't describe it just meet with people who heard him and spend hours saying wow with eyes glowing like they've just seen a miracle. Wish I knew who he was, stupidly didn't ask him. If you are him, let me know.

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Notting Hill Carnival

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