This is a Journal entry by Ivan the Terribly Average

It must be Monday.

Post 1

Ivan the Terribly Average

This journal is all about nothing. I'm feeling flat and aimless and ever so jaded. It's a classic Monday, in fact. Nothing bad happened, nothing especially good happened, nothing at all happened that I'm aware of, but that doesn't signify much as I'm often unaware of things. Monday. smiley - yawn

Even worse, it must be Tuesday tomorrow. There's nothing I can do about it. Of all the meetings I attend every week, it's the ones on Tuesday that are the most meaningless and irelevant. But the Tuesday that will happen tomorrow is different to all the others that have happened this year - but I'll say something about that tomorrow.

I've just realised why I don't write cliffhanger endings. They require effort, which is something I can't manage on a Monday.

At this point I'll just add a link to A87709062 and suggest you have a look if you haven't already. Better still, join in the fun of writing a journal a day for an entire month.

Go on. You know you want to.

smiley - redwineIvan.

It must be Monday.

Post 2

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

oh I just saw this.I too posted about my Monday....great minds think alike smiley - tongueout

smiley - hug

It must be Monday.

Post 3

Ivan the Terribly Average

Well, it *was* a classic Monday...

Mostly I was just getting myself into the pattern of posting a journal a day, even if nothing much happened. If I'm really unlucky this will happen frequently.

smiley - choc

It must be Monday.

Post 4

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

I'm not so miserable about Mondays - they usually mean the start of another week where you can plan what you want to get done.

It's Sunday evenings that make me glum - realising that I didn't actually get round to completing things or that I was thwarted from something.

btw - do the journals have to be a completely new one each day, or can they be an additional Entry to the same one? My conversations page is ramshackle enough, and not sure I could cope with 30 new ones. Can I have a dispensation do you think?

It must be Monday.

Post 5


Its definitely Monday.... Here.... Still....

It must be Monday.

Post 6


Hi yes it is definitely Monday,went with daughter to take her two youngest children to school and then went to do the weekly food shop, put it all away and made myself lunch nothing different there but then I decided to check my emails and I found the email from the new people of H2G2 and thought I would update my details so the account would be active again and wow I have been sidetracked with getting in touch with friends again I am not sure whether I have ever posted on your page before so I will say hi and hope you have a good day like I am having. smiley - smiley videokids

It must be Monday.

Post 7

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I can't even manage to *read* one journal entry a day... not to mention *write* one. smiley - wah

It must be Monday.

Post 8


I signed up for NaJoPoDa or whatever it's called. I'm scared. I don't want everyone to be bored stiff, Maybe I should warn everyone to unsubscribe before it's too late.

It must be Monday.

Post 9


Ivan, I hope your Monday was tolerable and your Tuesday is better than you expect.

It must be Monday.

Post 10

aka Bel - A87832164

It's still Monday here. Ivan, I guess I'll be so busy trying to read all my participating friends' journals I have the perfect excuse not to join. smiley - biggrin

It must be Monday.

Post 11


2 hrs 'n' 23 minutes to go, here.smiley - smiley

It must be Monday.

Post 12

Ivan the Terribly Average

Hello Videokids. smiley - smiley Welcome!

Tuesday has less than four hours left to go. It's nice to be past Monday, and even nicer to be rid of Tuesday...

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