This is a Journal entry by Ivan the Terribly Average

And they're off...

Post 1

Ivan the Terribly Average

At last, at long bloody last, our embarrassment of a Prime Minister has announced the election date. 24 November.

While it's good to know the date at last, this will make my life chaotic for the next six weeks. It's my job, you see. Everything I've written lately for the Minister for Anguished Moans will have to be re-written, unless it's already been signed and sent out. I'm a bit worried about this - at last report there was a stack of unsigned papers two feet high in the Minister's office.

So anyway. If I'm more tired and grumpy than usual over the next few weeks, it'll probably be because I'm up to my neck in the fallout from the political proces.

Come election night I'll probably be at home, getting drunk, watching the coverage on telly and making the odd sour comment here.

And they're off...

Post 2

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

Well here's some smiley - choc to get you through the next 6 weeks. And please do show up here on the night and make sour comments. Unless of course there is reason to make sweet and sour comments

smiley - hug

And they're off...

Post 3

Ivan the Terribly Average

I'm waiting for the serious mud-slinging to start. Any minute now, probably. I'm going to try not to pay too much attention to the campaign; I need to think of my blood pressure. If I do happen to pay attention by some terrible accident, I'll do my best not to drag the full details on here - I don't fancy getting yikesed for foul language every day.

Thanks for the smiley - choc. I'll be needing it.

And they're off...

Post 4

Wilma Neanderthal

Sheesh... and I thought the news of the impending tax inspection was bad! Here, you'll need these: smiley - giftFingerPadssmiley - gift(TM) They are in the style of knee protectors but especially designed for those of us who abuse our tippies with too much banging on the keyboard.
smiley - hug

And they're off...

Post 5

psychocandy-moderation team leader

That doesn't sound fun! Though I can relate to enormous piles of paperwork...

Are you sure we can't hear you swear a bit about it all? Some of us find it quite amusing. I'll be sure to (try) follow along with the election so I might have some idea what you'll be suffering through.

And they're off...

Post 6


Well, I for one am delighted smiley - smiley

Not only will I be able to vote smiley - applause but I'll be back in Oz for the second half of the campaign and the actual vote smiley - applause

Sorry to hear that it's a pain in the rear for you though Ivan smiley - sadface

And they're off...

Post 7

Ivan the Terribly Average

It's a colossal pain Fb, but at least we're in with a chance of a sane outcome this time. I'm glad you'll be back for the vote - we need a Voice of Reason in your part of the country.

Thanks for the finger-pads, Wilma. smiley - biggrin I'll be needing them, definitely.

Pc, I may mutter a bit under my breath now and then... I will try to keep it to a minimum though.

And they're off...

Post 8

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

Some good news - the poison dwarf has the Exclusive Brethren on his side. Almost guaranteed to lose him the election smiley - ok (at least that's true in NZ smiley - erm).

And they're off...

Post 9

Ivan the Terribly Average

I'm certainly hoping the Exclusive Brethren will be a liability for the little smiley - bleep. The hanky-heads give me the creeps; if they can't vote on 'religious grounds', why the blazes do they interfere in the process?

And they're off...

Post 10

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

I could always start a fire if the piles of paper get too high...

smiley - dragon

And they're off...

Post 11

Ivan the Terribly Average

Thank you. smiley - evilgrin I'll let you know if we need your particular skills with paper disposal. smiley - biggrin

On the bright side, it seems the Minister signed a lot of things over the weekend. We might not end up suffering as badly as we might have done.

And they're off...

Post 12

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I rather like DQ's way of dealing with excess paperwork. One day last month I was so overwhelmed with paperwork (96 repossessions in 30 days!) I taped a sign that said "In Box" on the front of my paper shredder, much to the amusement of various coworkers. smiley - biggrin

Glad the Minister caught up some of the paperwork backlog. Hopefully nothing will happen to necessitate changes and additional signatures.

And they're off...

Post 13

Ivan the Terribly Average

I'm tempted to put a 'Customer Feedback' sign on the shredder. smiley - silly

And they're off...

Post 14

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I've always thought one of these would prove very useful:

And they're off...

Post 15

Ivan the Terribly Average

smiley - evilgrin Oh how dreadfully tempting.

The news has just started. I must put a DVD on...

And they're off...

Post 16

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

why not get a signature stamp in stead of a minister? Must be much handier, and cheaper as well. Just some ink every now and then.

There was a swedish king in the 18th century who was sort of replaced with a signature stamp to everyones benefit. The king could do what he liked and the government could run the country.

Unfortunaterly the next king made himself a dictator and messed things up. Anyway he was shot later.

smiley - dragon

And they're off...

Post 17

Ivan the Terribly Average

Was that Gustavus III, or was there another one shot? (Yes, my knowledge of 17th/18th century Swedish history hinges on Queen Christina, Carl XII and the wreck of the 'Vasa'. The rest of it's a bit sketchy.)

Some of our previous Ministers have basically been signature stamps. Unfortunately, this last one liked to get involved in the details of everything. Result: nothing ever got done properly.

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