This is a Journal entry by Ivan the Terribly Average

On being slack...

Post 1

Ivan the Terribly Average

I thought it was too good to be true, managing to add to the journal two days running, and it was. House-guests can be very distracting.

Since the last entry, I've been to 3 pubs smiley - ale, 5 bars smiley - alesmiley - ale, 2 cocktail bars smiley - bubbly, 2 cafes, 2 restaurants, and gawd knows how many shops and markets and things. No wonder I'm feeling drained. But at least my guest had fun. She's gone back to Adelaide now, and I'm broke, and back at work, and I'm resenting every minute of it...

In other news - well, there is no other news, really. Just a hangover that won't go away, and a vague recollection of promising to go to Abu Dhabi next September. It's as good a place as any, no doubt.

The thing that matters, though, is that my ex and I have been getting along better in the last week than we have at any point in the last four years. This does mean a lot to me. There's no chance of a reunion as such, but that doesn't bother me. It's just so nice to be able to build a lasting friendship to replace the much messier situation that went before. It's the first time I've managed this, ever, and I'm proud of it.

In the interests of balance, I should mention that we have been drinking absinthe cocktails during the last few days. That might have something to do with the general mood of bliss.

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