This is a Journal entry by Ivan the Terribly Average

Second entry - I'm on a roll....

Post 1

Ivan the Terribly Average

Well, after all my wittering on about how fabulous rain is, it bucketed down on Melbourne overnight and flooded bits of it. I'm guessing there's a few damp people down there who wouldn't be interested in such rhapsodies right now. Fact remains, though, Canberra could still do with a bit more rain...

But enough of that. I'm in a mild panic about a job interview. It's not for a while yet, but I just heard about it so it's preying on my mind. I hate interviews. I'd rather be at the dentist having a nice root canal or something. Come to think of it, I haven't seen the dentist for a while. Maybe I should see the dentist after the interview and make a day of it.

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Second entry - I'm on a roll....

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